How to Install PostgreSQL on WSL Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install PostgreSQL on WSL Ubuntu 22.04

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source relational database management system widely used for its robustness and performance. If you’re running Ubuntu 22.04 on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you can easily install and configure PostgreSQL to leverage the power of both Windows and Linux environments. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of … Read more

How to Build and Deploy Python Libraries for AWS Lambda Layers

How to Build and Deploy Python Libraries for AWS Lambda Layers

AWS Lambda Layers are a powerful feature that allows you to manage and share common code and dependencies across multiple functions. In this guide, I will explain how to build Python libraries specifically for use in Lambda Layers and how to upload them to your AWS environment. What to do Prerequisites Step 1: Set Up … Read more

How to Manage Python Versions on WSL Ubuntu

Managing Python Versions on WSL Ubuntu

In the world of Python development, having the flexibility to switch between different Python versions is crucial. This not only allows developers to stay up-to-date with the latest language features but also ensures compatibility with different projects. In this guide, we will explore two popular methods for managing Python versions on Ubuntu: update-alternatives and pyenv. Method 1: Using … Read more