How to Completely Remove (Purge) MySQL Database from Ubuntu 22.04

How to Completely Remove (Purge) MySQL Server from Ubuntu 22.04

Are you looking to completely remove MySQL database from your Ubuntu 22.04 system? Whether you’re upgrading to a newer version, switching to a different database system, or simply need to perform a clean uninstall, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process. Step 1: Stop MySQL Service Before uninstalling MySQL, it’s essential to stop … Read more

How to Install WordPress on EC2 Ubuntu 22.04 – Complete Guide

How to Install WordPress on EC2 Ubuntu 22.04

Setting up WordPress on your own server gives you full control over your website. In this guide, we will be deploying WordPress on an EC2 Ubuntu 22.04 server using Nginx as our web server, PHP for dynamic content processing, Let’s Encrypt provides free SSL certificates for websites, and MySQL as the database management system. Prerequisites … Read more