Transferring files to and from your Amazon EC2 instance can be made simple using Rsync, a powerful file synchronization tool. Here’s a streamlined guide to get you started.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Install Rsync on Ubuntu (if not installed)
Before using Rsync, ensure it’s installed on your local Ubuntu machine. You can install it by running:
sudo apt update sudo apt install rsync
Step 2: Copy Local Files to Remote EC2 Instance
To transfer files from your local computer to the remote EC2 instance:
rsync -e "ssh -i /path/to/cert.pem" -av /path/to/local/files ubuntu@EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/path/to/remote/directory
Replace /path/to/cert.pem
with the path to your EC2 key pair file, /path/to/local/files
with the source directory, and EC2_IP_ADDRESS
with your EC2 instance’s IP address.
Step 3: Copy Remote Files to Local
If you want to copy files from the EC2 instance to your local system:
rsync -e "ssh -i /path/to/cert.pem" -av ubuntu@EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/path/to/remote/files /path/to/local/directory
Step 4: Exclude Specific Files During Copy
To exclude specific files when transferring:
rsync -av --exclude 'file1.txt' --exclude 'file2.txt' /source/directory /destination/directory
Remote (Amazon EC2):
rsync -e "ssh -i /path/to/cert.pem" -av --exclude 'file1.txt' --exclude 'file2.txt' /source/files ubuntu@EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/destination/files
Step 5: Exclude Directories During Copy
To exclude entire directories:
rsync -av --exclude 'dir1' --exclude 'dir2' /source/directory /destination/directory
Remote (Amazon EC2):
rsync -e "ssh -i /path/to/cert.pem" -av --exclude 'dir1' --exclude 'dir2' /source/directory ubuntu@EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/destination/directory
Step 6: Copy Using Specific File Type
Transferring files of specific types:
rsync -av --include '*.php' --include '*.html' --exclude '*' /source/directory /destination/directory
Remote (Amazon EC2):
rsync -e "ssh -i /path/to/cert.pem" -av --include '*.php' --include '*.html' --exclude '*' /source/directory ubuntu@EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/destination/directory
Step 7: Exclude Multiple Files and Folders
Create an exclusion list:
touch exclude-list.txt
Edit the list:
nano exclude-list.txt
Add the files and directories to exclude:
file1.txt file2.txt dir1/ dir2/.git dir2/.env config.php dir3/
Utilize the exclusion list during transfer:
rsync -av --exclude-from 'exclude-list.txt' /source/directory /destination/directory
Remote (Amazon EC2):
rsync -e "ssh -i /path/to/cert.pem" -av --exclude-from 'exclude-list.txt' /source/directory ubuntu@EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/destination/directory
Final Thoughts
Ensure you have the right permissions for your key file (cert.pem
) and that your EC2 security group allows inbound port (22) SSH connections. Replace placeholders with your actual file paths and EC2 details before running the commands.